Sep 29, 2012


Posture brace by PostureNOW. The PostureNOW posture brace is the world's leading posture trainer, providing the most effective way to improve your posture. PostureNOW is the only posture corrector that's 100% guaranteed to improve your posture. Traditional posture braces can actually worsen your posture. They do the work for you, pulling your shoulders back and using tension provided by the posture corrector to improve your posture. Because you're not using your muscles to keep your back straight, they atrophy as you come to depend on the posture brace to keep you upright, ultimately leading to worse posture. PostureNOW is different. When worn correctly, the PostureNOW posture trainer provides almost no tension across the back, but when your shoulders slouch forward, PostureNOW tension increases, providing a gentle reminder to pull your shoulders back into good posture. Over time, this not only strengthens the muscles in your upper back, it also provides the muscle memory required for good posture. Good posture is a habit. Don't ruin your posture with a traditional posture brace. Use PostureNOW for as little as 10-30 minutes a day to train yourself for a lifetime of good posture. Remember, it's never too late to improve your posture and the PostureNOW posture brace is the proven, guaranteed way to improve your posture, permanently.

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